Cat Sneezing Blood And Wheezing. Your veterinarian will ask you a series of questions about your cat's symptoms to determine if asthma is at play. However, if the sneezing continues, or if there is blood while sneezing, then there is something serious.

In severe causes of cat coughing and sneezing, the feline may have to be hospitalized so that intensive care and treatment will be provided. Fiv or feline immunodeficiency virus that develops slowly and severely impacts your cat’s immune system, leaving the feline more vulnerable to other infections. Treatment of sneezing in cats it is essential to identify the cause before treating this issue in your cat.
However, if your cat has other symptoms such as discharge from the nose and eyes, the presence of blood or mucus in the nose, decreased activity or loss of appetite, have.
If your cat sneezes only occasionally, no treatment is generally needed. A common cause for sneezing blood is something caught in your cat's nasal passage, such as a string, blade of grass or piece of food. The result is a chronic inflammation of the lower respiratory tract with signs such as bronchoconstriction, snoring or wheezing noises. Sometimes, cat wheezing is a symptom of serious cat diseases.