Cat Restraint Bag For Giving Fluids. She is much more relaxed in the bag and so are we. Some cats will fight against or resist fluids.

You can then sit in a nearby chair and hold the cat while fluids are being given. Every pet reacts differently to the actual giving of the fluids, and they feed off of your emotions, so cool and calm usually works best. A sturdy fabric bag makes a good emergency cat carrier and can do wonders to calm the cat, keep her safe, and keep you safe, too.
However, subcutaneous fluid administration is not nearly as difficult as it sounds.
As long as you do not attempt to lift the cat by the scruff, it is a perfectly acceptable means of restraint. You are now set to give the fluids. Administering supplemental fluids can benefit cats with a variety of medical conditions. Many pet owners use a bent wire coat hanger to hang the fluid bag over the top of a door;