Cat Purring Healing Power. Purring helps newborns kittens survive, promotes kitty and owner healing, and is also. A malignant mass in her chest cavity prevented her from breathing normally.

The healing power of the purr The healing power of cats has been widely documented & linked to a multitude of health benefits. The healing power of cat purrs.
All cat species have purr frequencies between 20 hertz and 150 hertz with the exception of the cheetah.” the cheetah purrs at 25, 50, 100, 125 and 150 hertz.
Whenever you feel stressed, petting and stroking your furry friend may help you relieve this uncomfortable feeling. The superpower we’re talking about here is the healing power of cat purrs. The power of a cat’s purr can be pure magic. Studies have shown that an anxious person listening to the sound of a cat’s purr may no longer focus on the source of their anxiety and will be soothed by the purring sound, she says.