Cat Primordial Pouch Hard. Direct ingestion (ingestion of eggs via contaminated food, feces, water and environment)transport hosts (ingestion of infected rodents) which is an unlikely source of infection in kittens.; If your cat is an adult, it may already have a primordial pouch under its belly.

This is called the primordial pouch, and it’s there, believe it or not, to stop your cat’s stomach getting hurt during a fight! Knowing about your cat's primordial pouch can help you tell whether he's overweight or not. But on fluffy cats like shorty, it can make it hard to determine if your cat is pudgy or just pouchy.
Even big cats like lions and tigers have a primordial pouch.
If you think their tummy looks swollen you need to get them to a vet to be checked out asap. It is located on a cat's belly. It really is hard to feel lonely when you have an animal (or several) needing you for companionship and care, as well. Swollen abdomens may occur quickly or over time.