Cat Peeing Everywhere No Uti. This inflammation of the bladder can cause a cat to need to pee so suddenly it doesn't have time to make it to the litter box. My cat is peeing small blood clots and peeing anywhere although litter tray is available, she is fed wet cat food not biscuits, is 17 years old has had this before and it passes after a couple of days.

No uti was found, complete work up was done, vet said she was fine. She is still peeing everywhere other than the damn box. At least 10% of all cats will develop issues with their litter box.
The urinary tract infection, or uti, he has been taking medication for may have been a completely different infection that's affecting him now.
I'll deal with it later. How can i get my cat who had a uti to stop peeing everywhere? Have your cat seen by your vet to rule out medical causes. My male cat had a urinary tract infection & started urinating around the house.