Cat Normal Diastolic Blood Pressure. If the values are below 80 to 90 systolic, the cat has hypotension. Diastolic blood pressure is the least accurate of the blood pressures measured by the indirect oscillometric method and usually ommitted from practical discussions.

A cat’s normal blood pressure is between 80 to 90 systolic and 160 to 170 diastolic. Blood pressure is the force of blood against the arteries. A blood pressure reading has a top number (systolic) and bottom number (diastolic).
When it is caused by another disease, it is called secondary hypertension;
O at the clinic, we will routinely add 50 points to the systolic to account for stress, so if your cat's systolic is 170 or less, we consider that normal. Blood pressure should also be carefully assessed in any cat with chronic kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, heart disease, in cats with sudden onset blindness, or in cats with other ocular or neurological signs that might suggest underlying. However, a recent study in the uk found that only 1.3% of cats had their blood pressure assessed. 1 target organ damage in the cat includes left ventricular hypertrophy, 2, 3 retinopathy or choroidopathy, 4, 5 progression of chronic kidney.