Cat Meowing At Night At Door. Expect the meowing to get worse as you ignore the cat’s bad behavior in the night. Likewise, a roaming cat can ask for the door.

If the cat meows at your bedroom door all night but you don't want to share a bed, make sure the cat has the perfect place to sleep. This may be difficult at first, but it will pay off in the end. Why is my cat meowing at night?
Maybe their meows have not only become more frequent, but louder and longer.
If your cat is crying for your attention. We play with him all day, we have another cat he likes playing with, we give him a lot of attention at night before we go to bed. But she was a stray and has found us but now won’t let us sleep with her meowing by the front door. The easiest way to solve this is to install a cat door, which allows the cat to go in and out when it feels like it, without waking you up.