Cat Losing Her Whiskers. However, if your cat suddenly loses more whiskers than usual, it may be a sign of poor health. I'm not sure if it's normal or not.

Don’t worry, this is normal and healthy. There can be several reasons for a cat losing whiskers and most times its normal and not harmful. However, if your cat suddenly loses more whiskers than usual, it may be a sign of poor health.
There can be several reasons for a cat losing whiskers and most times its normal and not harmful.
However, there are common diseases of the whiskers that can cause abnormal shedding, including bacterial infections, mange, burns, trauma due to stress or injury and genetic hair follicle dysplasia. Ringworm , which actually isn't a worm at all but a fungal infection, is more commonly seen in kittens but it is not out of the realm of possibility for an adult cat to become infected with ringworm. Cat losing hair around whiskers. However, if your cat suddenly loses more whiskers than usual, it may be a sign of poor health.