Cat Limping Back Leg Swollen Paw. He's not crying or anything out of the ordinary. If the cat has a problem with its paws, this will be reflected in limping.

Swelling usually involves only one foot, sometimes only one toe. If something looks or feels unusual, compare it to the other leg. He is walking on it without a limp, he is nesting the pillows using both paws with no pain.
He is walking on it without a limp, he is nesting the pillows using both paws with no pain.
In case of traumatic injury to cat’s back, nerve endings could get entrapped, and such condition now causes discomfort when walking. A swollen paw in your cat is definitely cause for concern, especially if your feline friend is making it known that she is uncomfortable. Sometimes, your cat may be limping from a simple accident. If your kitty will let you examine her, you may be able to identify the problem and implement basic care at home;