Cat Keeps Sneezing But Seems Fine. Salud gatos cat sneezing fit cat sneezing eye discharge cat keeps sneezing but seems fine. My ragdoll cat is sneezing alot, but otherwise seems fine.eating, activity, etc.

My ragdoll cat is sneezing alot, but otherwise seems fine.eating, activity, etc. Many things can cause sneezing and wheezing in cats including upper respiratory infections, pneumonia, heart problems, asthma, and even hairballs. The sneezing generally lasts for only a few days and goes away on its own, requiring no treatment.
With this said, a cat may suddenly develop an allergy even though you've always used the same brand of cat litter which means it's a question of “trial and error” to find one that won't set them off sneezing.
Cute litter box will discuss causes if cat keeps sneezing but seems fine. Even if she’s not sneezing, it’s likely your kitty has an upper respiratory infection, says wolfus. As a pet lover, you can't risk the life of your feline friend just because of your negligence. As to why a cat would sneeze, mine has been sneezing for the past few days.