Cat Herpes Eyes Treatment. You can see the cat eye problems that mainly causes the cat eye infection. Known as feline herpesviral rhinotracheitis, an affected cat exhibits fever, nasal discharge, sneezing, drooling, enlarged lymph nodes and an eye infection.

Upper respiratory infections affect the eyes, nose, mouth, throat, and sinus areas. Kittens at a young age. If the eyelids are gummed shut, soak a clean ball of cotton wool in some previously boiled (and cooled) water.
Kittens and senior cats are most at risk.
Feline herpes at a glance. Cats suffering from feline herpes may also be dehydrated. It is important to clean their eyes because the infection could build up behind the eyelids and then cause blindness. Currently treating one of the cats for what i think was an infection in both eyes caused by a scratch, possibly inside one of the eyes.