Cat Head Tilt Causes. However, the balance centre resides in the inner bony portion of the ear as well as the brain. Also, with vestibular syndrome, the cat may be unable to stand and may roll toward the side of the lesion, sometimes rolling completely over time and time again.

A cat that is shaking or tilting its head could have a number of possible health issues, such as an infection, a nutritional deficiency, a neurologic disease, or a metabolic disease. Here are the most common reasons for head tilt in cats: Depending on your pet's medical history and symptoms, a few tests may be necessary to check for underlying causes of her head tilt.
Identifying animals with chronic vestibular dysfunction can be challenging because they commonly adapt to their imbalance.
Vestibular disease in cats is a condition in which a cat suddenly develops incoordination, falling or circling to one side, involuntary darting of the eyes back and forth (nystagmus), a head tilt, and often nausea or vomiting. It is a congenital disorder, having occurred before birth. If a cat is tilting its head frequently to either side of the body (away from its orientation with the trunk and limbs), this is an indication that the cat feels imbalanced. Head tilt is a medical condition that may be indicative of a serious underlying disorder, usually of the vestibular system.