Cat Has Bad Breath And Gas. In spite of gas being a normal bodily experience for a pet, an excessive amount of it may be due to some underlying cause such as poor diet or a disease. Diabetes can give your cat’s mouth a strange smell.

Sometimes cats have a bad reaction to anesthesia that can lead to other health issues. Further possibilities are pharyngitis, an inflammation of the throat or pharynx, and tonsillitis, an inflammation of the tonsils. Sometimes bad breath is a hint that something is wrong beyond the oral cavity.
Cats commonly will miss the litter boxes due to the pain associated with going in and out of the litter box, as well as difficulty squatting.
Cat has scabs on back no fleas. Your cat has bad breath and you are bothered or you want to get rid of this awful breath? Cat bad breath natural remedy. Cat poop, or any poop for that matter never smells great.