Cat Fur Patterns And Colors. But occasionally, genes that are responsible for a cat's fur patterns and color generate mutations that are unexpectedly beautiful and unique. Some young cats with solid coat colours will display faint ghost tabby patterns until their fur becomes fully pigmented.

For example, thanks to the. But occasionally, genes that are responsible for a cat's fur patterns and color generate mutations that are unexpectedly beautiful and unique. Agouti (unpatterned) tabbies have ticked fur, but almost no striped markings except residual barring on the legs, tail, head and chest.
Unlike dogs which vary drastically in shapes in sizes between breeds, cats are pretty much, well, cats.
Cat coat colours and patterns one of the wonderful things about cats is the vast range of coat colours and patterns that makes each cat unique. Within their calico spots, they may have tabby stripes. Brown mackeral tabbies are the most common. If a cat has three colors and the distinctive tabby forehead marking, they’re a calico tabby.