Cat Flu Symptoms Uk. In most cases the diagnosis is made on obvious signs but we may need to identify a specific cause of the problem. Cat flu (or feline viral infectious respiratory disease) is very common in cats and causes symptoms that are similar to that of the human cold.

Cats most likely to be worse affected are the very young, very old or those with a damaged immune system. Cat flu is the common name for feline upper respiratory infections with symptoms that are very similar to a human cold. Vaccinate your kitten to prevent cat flu.
We cannot catch cat flu and they cannot catch our colds since the pathogens are completely different.
The virus is present in saliva, tears and nasal secretions and spread through contact between cats. Cat flu (or feline viral infectious respiratory disease) is very common in cats and causes symptoms that are similar to that of the human cold. Homeopathic remedy improves respiratory health and strengthens immunity. In most cases the diagnosis is made on obvious signs but we may need to identify a specific cause of the problem.