Cat Euthanasia Do It Yourself. Vets and licensed euthanasia technicians are generally the only persons legally authorized to give barbiturates for animal euthanasia, says webmd. If you know that your cat is suffering and has no chance of returning to even an adequate level of quality of life, it's time to talk with your veterinarian about euthanasia.if a treatment would result in a less than a 50 percent chance of returning to a good quality of life, you should talk with your veterinarian about whether the treatment is really in.

Preparedness is vital in deciding the times to put the cat pet to sleep through euthanasia. Bringing a pet into our lives is an exciting and rewarding time, but sadly their lifespan is shorter than ours and therefore it is highly likely that we will eventually have to make the decision to euthanise them in order to end their suffering. At least i can sleep.
Taking the cat to the vet will not be easy and i say that from experience.
Put yourself in the shoes of your cat. They are a beautiful animal and considered a symbol of love and peace around the globe. The most humane way to euthanize a cat at home is to utilize a vet or service that makes house calls, allowing the pet to die peacefully in familiar surroundings. Probably not less traumatic for your daughter, though, if she is to be involved.