Cat Eating Litter Box. In that case, flinging the litter out is easy, especially for cats who like to eliminate near the edges. (if he’s still peeing, you have to let him finish first, of course.) also, take note that if a kitten swallows a clumping litter pellet, the litter can cause intestinal blockages and other health complications.

You don’t have to scoop every time your cat is done with the deed, it will clean itself! Provide her with a comfortable box near the litter box for her to have her kittens with food and water nearby. Call them away from their litter box.
The problem is that once eaten, clumping litter swells and sticks together in a lump inside the gut.
Pros and cons of paper litter. One of these classic but weird behaviors is sleeping in the litter box. Any cat that is caught eating kitty litter should be monitored closely whenever he is using his litter box. If your adult kitty has been sampling from the litter box and shows signs of a blockage, such as loss of appetite and absence of feces in the litter box.