Cat Drooling A Lot And Throwing Up. However, a cat that vomits and has no interest in eating or drinking for more than 24 hours is far more concerning. If you aren’t sure if your cat is vomiting hairballs more often than what would be considered normal, consult with a vet.

When coughing up a hairball, the sound will be less hacking and will sound like regurgitation. Sudden, acute vomiting is often induced by the ingestion of something that disagrees with your cat’s stomach. However, drooling is not only limited to dogs.
As a rule, a cat that vomits more than once or twice per week or is showing any additional symptoms (especially weight loss, diarrhea, excessive thirst, lethargy, pacing, nausea, drooling) probably should be seen right away.
Cats who feel motion sickness may also end up drooling profusely. If your cat has normal energy levels, is a healthy weight, and doesn't appear ill but throws up from time to time, you may want to look into whether they have developed a food allergy. Throwing up hairballs is common, and usually nothing to be too worried about. Search the blog trending topics.