Cat Dislocated Hip Surgery Cost. Consider replacement surgery for certain types of dislocations. You can see the toggles used to stabilise the hip your pet will need to be strictly rested after surgery for approximately 6 weeks.

They are already promoting surgery saying a relocation might not last. Confine the cat to a large cage or small room while the joint heals. How to correct a dislocated hip.
We argued since my cat had still made his own way home after being attacked and run over so clearly he was some kind of bruiser/super cat and the result was surgery for the bites and cage rest for the hip.
Our cat was released from the hospital one week after his accident and then placed on cage rest for a further six weeks. Most don’t, it’s true, but almost all patients will benefit from this kind of care after major orthopedic surgery. For severe dislocations and/or hip dysplasia. I reckon that the only difference is the cost!.