Cat Coughing Fit After Purring. My cat is going through a course of treatment with medicines; It might simply be a way for a cat to soothe itself, like a child sucks their thumb to feel better.

Here are some of the more common reasons why this may occur in your cat: Learn more about the causes and treatments of the condition here. Sneezing refers to the normal reflexive behavior of expelling air to remove matter through the nasal cavity while reverse sneezing refers to the reflex of bringing air into the body to remove irritants in the upper area that lies behind the nose.
It might simply be a way for a cat to soothe itself, like a child sucks their thumb to feel better.
All cats can get hairballs once in awhile because they are constantly grooming themselves and ingesting hair. Cough after meals can be cause by an esophagul or larynx related problem. My 7 year old cat (very fit, active and healthy otherwise) has had the same symptoms. Your adorable kitty may behave way differently than its normal.