Cat Chin Acne Wipes. Sometimes comedones can appear on a cat's gums. There is no particular breed of cat that is prone to chin acne.

Severe feline acne, however, can cause swelling of the chin and draining of the lymph nodes on the head and chin. Feline acne, especially chin acne in cats, is fairly common and if uncomplicated is not a health condition for great concern. These include decreased grooming, food accumulating on the chin, and a weakened immune system as a result.
Appearing as small bumps, it often looks similar to the blackheads or whiteheads that humans get.
July 10, 2020 by editorial. Use only ceramic bowls or stainless steel. Acne is a common skin disorder in cats that is characterised by blackheads (comedones) and inflammation on the chin and lips. Cats without hair present more visible symptoms.