Cat Chin Acne Hydrogen Peroxide. Went away quickly, never came back. Cat chin acne is actually a relatively common skin problem in cats.

This can make the cat look like it has sores or that her chin is dirty or bumpy in appearance. The use of benzoyl peroxide for cats suffering from feline acne is also a very common as an antibacterial. Normally it is self limiting and requires little attention other than to keep the area clean.
You'll need the help of your veterinarian to get your cat's chin cleared up.
Wash all food and water bowls in hot soapy water every day. Wash all food and water bowls in hot soapy water every day. Cat acne is most common on the chin or around the mouth, but it can be present anywhere on the body. Use three percent hydrogen peroxide mixed with an equal amount of water to clean the chin and other affected areas.