Cat Canine Tooth Longer Than Other. Is this possible, or am i imagining things? My youngest cat has unusually long fangs, (compared to my other two) that hang down about 1/4 of an inch past his lower lip.

I like the “canine” teeth in cats. Never use human toothpaste on cats. Because cats have longer, thinner, more delicate roots than people do, every extraction in a cat requires a lengthy, careful, precise surgical procedure.
She's about 9 years old.
Is this possible, or am i imagining things? It's yellow and curved, also. Cats are very prone to dental disease related to gingivitis (inflammation of the gums). Short of that, the most likely reason is that you favor one side over the other when chewing, and consequently have worn down one canine more so in the process, and thus it appears shor.