Cat Biting Own Nails. A few indicators your cat’s nail biting could be abnormal include: If you own an indoor cat, be sure to provide them with plenty of stimulation, especially if you are out.

It is simply part of body maintenance, a bit like humans cutting their nails, shaving, combing their hair and those sorts of activities. She'll usually let you know when she's on the brink of defensive biting or scratching. See more ideas about cat care, cat owners, cats.
Trimming a cat’s nails is fairly easy once you get your cat accustomed to it.
Or want to do regardless of if you rent or own. While your cat will occasionally gnaw on her tail while grooming herself, frequently doing so isn't normal behavior. Communication if your cat nips you they might be trying to get your attention. Dealing with a biting cat can be both annoying and frustrating.