Cat Baby Teeth Lost. They are fully grown by 5 to 6 weeks of age and the different types of teeth erupt at different times allowing age to be determined 4 (see below). They develop when the kitten is around 4 weeks to 6 weeks old.

If your cat suffers from poor dental health, tooth dislocation or sudden loss can become a common occurrence as dental disease weakens the dental structure. Cat loosing teeth could be caused by teeth changing, dental decay or a dental disease such as gingivitis. These are both stronger and sharper than the baby teeth and more numerous.
Sometimes, the permanent tooth erupts alongside the baby tooth, known as a persistent deciduous tooth.
Periodontal disease (or gum disease) is the most common feline dental ailment. The new teeth that are beginning to poke through will replace the baby teeth and will be the final set of teeth your cat will have, so it’s particularly important to take care of them. I believe my cat, tyger has lost one of his incisor teeth. Cats' earliest teeth are the set of 26, known as deciduous or milk teeth, that erupt from their gums when kittens are 3 to 4 weeks old.