Carpal Pad Cat Growth. I was warned that it can be a difficult area to heal. The growth, or whatever it is, is hard and dry to touch and seems firmly attached to the pad.

Coaching the canine athleteā€¯ the carpal pad functions as a bumper or cushion as the leg hits the ground. I was able to separate some of it and very carefully used my cuticle nipper to clip. I think it's believed there's a connection between them and some viruses, but not always.
Look for debris or foreign objects such as glass or metal shards that may be lodged in the pad.
Some of these tumors can be benign and can be cured with removing the pad surgically. The paw of a cat is the first contact the cat had to the surrounding environment. Sometimes they bother the cat, and it's good to trim them, but sometimes the cat doesn't mind. He's at the vets tomorrow & i think they are going to try leaving the site uncovered which i'm dreading in case he knocks it.