Can You Keep A Skunk As A Pet. Skunks never forget and rarely forgive, anything you do to hurt a skunk will be paid back in time. The tiny animals are considered rabies vectors (despite these pets never having been found with rabies), but you can have a lion, tiger, bear, and numerous other species as long as you live in a county that doesn't prohibit it.

If a skunk bites you, get checked out at the hospital. A skunk's ability to spray is its natural defense system. Having to ride around town with musky skunk smell in your car will be awful!
Once the skunk is caught, you’ll need to approach the trap very carefully.
Do not use food as a lure, as the action will make the animal associate food with humans and it will return for more food. If you decide that you would like to own a skunk as a pet, the first thing you need to do is to make sure that owning one is legal in your state. Do not use food as a lure, as the action will make the animal associate food with humans and it will return for more food. A skunk can spray multiple times before it needs to replenish its scent gland supply.