Can You Have A Bat As A Pet. If you do decide that you must have a pet bat, know that it has requirements that while easily fulfilled in the wild, can be which difficult to maintain for a pet owner. Exotic pets are trending in a big way.

Which means more space, more food and more bills! To own a bat you first need to have to go through all this crazy paper work to get a licence saying that you can own a bat but you also need to have some training in how to care for wild animals. Of course, there are drones, but they are rather short lived and serve only as sperm donors, poor things.
If you think you can get one and tame it, you might be able to, but keep in mind that 1) it will definitely take a long time, 2) they might never trust you at all, and 3) even if you do tame it, they still will have their natural instincts that can kick in at any random moment, for example if you have an undomesticated cat and lets say you trip.
You are not registered / logged in. Cuty pet is waiting for you. It costs about $300 for it unless you go to the doctor with a scratch or bite on you and tell them a bat did it, you'll get the vaccine for free. You are not registered / logged in.