Can You Cats Eat Peanuts. As obligate carnivores, cats only get nutrition from meat (consider wet food). It’s easy to understand that an owner might be tempted to give their feline friend a taste of their favourite snack, especially if said feline happens to be very curious about it.

So, if your cat eats one or two honey roasted peanuts, that’s perfectly safe, and you need not worry. Peanuts, though contain protein and healthy fats, do not provide any nutritional value to cats. They are the most popular shelled food due to their excellent taste and accessibility so you can simply roast them or put them in many different dishes.
It happens sometimes that you drop a peanut on the floor and by curiosity your cat goes to munch on it.
Cats and peanuts in a nutshell. They need protein the most, and can only get it from fish or chicken. Cat diets are usually rich in protein and fats and therefore most of the owners prefer to give fresh meat and liver to their adorable pets. Cats and peanuts in a nutshell (no pun intended) could be considered an okay snack occasionally.