Can Puppies Have Rawhide Twists. For all age and size. At some point, a dog will have worked at it long enough that he’s chewed off pieces small enough to fit into his mouth and even into his esophagus, but that’s often where the buck stops.

Soft, rubber toys or bones that the puppy can chew and squeak will entertain him and satisfy his urge to chew. I don't know about the galileo bone for your pup, but for your older dog you could try that. Not only does this provide your dog with stimulation, but it can also help to relieve symptoms of anxiety as well.
I have never given my pup (10 months old) rawhide anything.
Chewing also keeps dogs’ jaws strong, teeth clean, and breath a bit fresher. There are other dogs that have shown that they're allergic to the ingredients used to create the rawhide chews. Top 3 best rawhide for puppies (at a glance) Provide inedible chews made for puppies less than 3 months old.