Can Dogs And Cats Have Avocado. Avocados are healthy and rich in good fat. She went on to explain that the species that seem to have issues with avocados (birds, horses, ruminants), all have more complex gi tracts than humans, dogs, or cats.

While it may seem deadly to other animals, persin rarely affect dogs or even cats. Give your best friend a long life, healthy. Avocados contain persin, a fungicidal toxin, which can cause serious health problems — even death — in many animals.
The ripe, green fruit of the avocado contains many beneficial nutrients that can give dogs a health boost.
Despite the fact that there isn’t a known toxicity for dogs, we do know that sensitive dogs can develop pancreatitis, even if they only eat a small amount of avocado pulp. A report of two dogs suspected to have avocado toxicity has also been published, with both dogs living on farms with avocado trees present where the dogs are thought to have consumed large quantities of the fruit (3). The guatemalan avocado variety contains high levels of persin and is known to cause problems for cats as well as other domestic animals such as dogs, horses and birds. Despite the popular rumors, avocados are not toxic to dogs.