Can Cats Have Strokes Symptoms. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Humans aren’t the only ones more at risk for heat stroke in the summer months.

We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Uneven pupils during a stroke But with the help of magnetic resonance imaging (mri) and computed tomography (ct), veterinarians have discovered quite the opposite:
Cats can have strokes, but they are a bit different than strokes in humans, even dogs.
However, on rare occasions when there is a large stroke involving a vital part of the brain, recovery may not be possible. However much as is the case with people, the faster you can address the issues caused by a suspected stroke, the better the chance of your cat making a full and fast recovery. What is a cat stroke? Can cause the same symptoms, hence the difficulty in diagnosing strokes.