Can Cats Have Cinnamon Milk. You might even consider planting a few of these herbs as a cute little cat garden. Cinnamon does not only irritate cats.

Certain herbs, such as pennyroyal, evening primrose, borage, eucalyptus and comfrey, are toxic to cats, but many herbs are beneficial for myriad conditions. Here’s a rundown of the potential problems with cats lapping on eggnog: In oil form, it can cause liver damage to them that can lead to fatality.
The answer is yes, cats can eat cinnamon in moderation.
Chocolate contains theobromine — which is toxic to cats and dogs. Do, however, take note of the word “moderation.” Most cats tolerate cinnamon intake, if it's of course minimal. Pet parents may be surprised to learn that there are a number of herbs safe for cats.