Can Cats Have Cinnamon Applesauce. Once again, make sure you remove the seeds and stem before. Technically, yes, cats can eat applesauce.

1.10 health benefit of applesauce; Nutmeg and cinnamon are often used together in recipes, and nutmeg contains the toxin. Unlike grapes, raisins, and some citrus fruits, apples are one of the fruits that do not appear to pose any toxicity risk to felines.
The most commonly reported negative effect from exposure to cinnamon and cinnamon oils is irritation and sensitization.
I've heard of giving them up to half a teaspoon of cassia cinnamon a day as a treatment for diabetes, but even then a standard jar of cinnamon is several tablespoons. In most cases, applesauce contains other ingredients such as cinnamon or fruit pulp. The pureed form saves your furball the trouble of having to bite on hard, chewy apples and getting bruised gums. Do not use anything with sweeteners as they’re not good for cats and your cat can’t taste sweets anyway.