Can Cats Get Hiccups When Purring. Flatulence is more common in dogs than in cats, but cats can develop gas when food ferments in the digestive tract, when they swallow air after eating too fast or too much, or if there’s a disorder of the stomach, small intestine or colon. He is dark because the room was poorly lit and he is black.

It will prevent your cat from hiccups. It can be easy to assume that if your cat hiccups while purring, the purring may be triggering the hiccupping. Sometimes cat hiccups may be triggering by purring.
Allergies, asthma or other breathing problems, parasites, bacterial infection, a tumor, a chronic gastrointestinal condition, inflammatory bowel disease, and other similar potential causes.
Or just give them a little snack in the middle of the day so they don't get as hungry and choke the food down. If the coughing or hiccups persists for a long period of time and she looks distressed, better take your cat to the veterinarian. Suffer from chronic hiccups, no one really knows what purpose hiccups may serve. Cats can get hiccups because.