Can Cats Eat White Peaches. The toxic agent in chocolate is theobromine. Feeding it big chunks of fruits and vegetables may hurt it, putting it at the risk of a whole lot of health hazards.

Dogs use eat plants and grass in some of the cases. And if you do give them fish, be sure it isn't raw. Therefore can the cats eat potatoes?
Can cats eat peaches peaches are said to be moderately poisonous to cats, though some parts of it like the pits, seeds and the skin may bring in potential harm.
Do you enjoy spoiling your cat rotten? Although most cats won't eat it on their own, they can be coaxed to eat it by owners and others who think they are giving the cat a treat. Human foods dogs can and can't eat. It seems that many of you have heard that it’s bad for them, but you’re either not really sure if that is true or not, or you’re just wondering why chocolate is bad for cats.