Can Cats Eat Unsalted Peanuts. However, as you might suspect, peanut butter is basically just cooked and blended peanuts, and because rats can not (or rather, should not) eat peanuts, it’s just not good for them. Cats don’t need it, not even as a treat.
IMG_6664 copy Peanut butter, Dog biscuits, Dog recipes from
However, as you might suspect, peanut butter is basically just cooked and blended peanuts, and because rats can not (or rather, should not) eat peanuts, it’s just not good for them. When can cats eat peanut butter while many veterinary experts advise to never give your cat peanut butter, some feel there is a specific case where it is deemed acceptable. Peanuts are perfectly fine for cockatiels to eat, and they even are considered to be a great source of protein.
It happens sometimes that you drop a peanut on the floor and by curiosity your cat goes to munch on it.
Though cats can eat peanuts and peanut butter, they have no nutritional value for them. If your cats tried peanuts and liked it, you could consider using them as an extremely occasional treat. At the same time, since they offer no real benefits then you should avoid feeding these on purpose. Peanuts are a tasty, high protein treat for humans.