Can Cats Eat Styrofoam Peanuts. Looks like manufactured cardboard to me. Click here hopefully someone else will come along here who can be more helpful,

The international agency for research on cancer has labeled styrofoam as a possible carcinogen, as well. You can provide a winter cat shelter to help keep outdoor felines warm. In reality, the mess created is the least of the problems when it comes to styrofoam and cats.
I also had a cat who adored these things.
Cold dry day + fuzzy cat + box of packing peanuts = hilarious. It ranks up there together with plastics, rubber bands and strings. Studies have shown that feeding lab animals relatively large amounts of styrofoam over the course of several weeks has led to damage of the liver, kidneys, brain and lungs. Cold dry day + fuzzy cat + box of packing peanuts = hilarious.