Can Cats Eat Sardines With Bones. Sardines have very soft bones dogs and cats can consume without fear of harm. I do recommend removing the thicker backbone before feeding if you go with flash frozen or fresh sardines, but overall, they’re much easier to feed than other fish.

If you are pondering this question, the answer is ‘yes', it is safe to feed cats sardines. Not all species of fish are equally healthy for cats, however. Some fish, like sardines, have such small bones that cats can eat them without much worry.
These are likely to have the lowest salt content out of all the canned options and you don’t have to be concerned as to whether you are giving your cat too much oil.
They invariably are worried about fish bones. And when it comes to sardines, cats are not even fussy about the method of preparation. But there are issues with sardines, but these usually don’t prove to be a problem. Some like it, some don't.