Can Cats Eat Raw Peppers. But as cat owners we now know the issues concerning this fish and the debates that exist out there about it. While salmonella does not seem to affect cats as severely as humans , they can still suffer from a variety of symptoms when sickened by the bacteria, including:

It is true that your feline friend is unlikely to enthusiastically devour an entire bell pepper behind your back, but even if they do, there is no need to fret—this food does not appear to carry any real risk of toxicity for either cats or dogs. The most suitable cured meats for cats are sliced turkey and ham, both low in salt if possible. Cooking can deplete the rich nutrition in it.
Basically we are omnivores, and so can eat a wider range of vegetable stuff than a carnivore like a cat.
But which option is best? The most suitable cured meats for cats are sliced turkey and ham, both low in salt if possible. Yes, your cat can eat bell peppers in small amounts. Not all of them are tasty and sweet.