Can Cats Eat Popcorn Shrimp. They contain lots of vitamins k, c and magnesium. However, the additives in certain kinds of treat can be toxic to your cat.

Is it safe for feline? You especially need to keep the cat away from microwave varieties of popcorn. Well, there are a lot of things to take into consideration here, so let’s get to it.
Popcorn isn’t inherently toxic or harmful to cats of any age or breed.
The truth is, though, that it is ok to give your cat shrimp. Considering the nutrients in a shrimp, it could make a very nutritious snack but not good enough to be a staple food. If you look at the ingredient list of most cat foods, you’ll find that corn is a top ingredient as it’s used to bind kernels together. Shrimp contain beneficial nutrients for dogs.