Can Cats Eat Pasta Or Rice. You can feed cooked mashed potatoes to your cat by mixing it with her wet cat food, or as a side dish to her dry cat food. However, you'll find many veterinary lists of dangerous foods are longer.

Cats don't require fruits and vegetables to balance their nutrition. Cats can eat boiled potato because the cooking process eliminates solanine. Cats have delicate stomachs and when they act up, a very small amount of cooked rice could be recommended as it is much easier to digest for them than alternatives like pasta.
As we previously stated, many sauces contain things that are toxic to dogs.
As you can see, it is safe to say that cats can eat rice, but they should probably avoid eating rice whenever possible. Felines find it hard to digest high carbohydrate and starchy foods like pasta. It is less likely than other starchy foods to result in severe stomach pain, vomiting, or constipation. But it's best to keep it small and infrequent.