Can Cats Eat Mashed Potatoes And Gravy. You can give mashed sweet potatoes as a treat to cats one in a while. That means that if your cat continually eats too many cooked potatoes, he may start to.

If your tots are loaded with cheese, gravy, butter, or oil, keep the decadent dish to yourself, as the high amount of fat could cause yucky gastrointestinal symptoms in your cat like diarrhea or vomiting. Cats can eat potatoes, but undoubtedly there are a few restrictions for the same. Cooked and mashed potatoes are indeed safe for cats.
Yummy for you, but too fatty for your pet.
Feed them in accordance to their size, not yours. Can cats eat mashed potatoes and gravy. You can mix potatoes with other foods like cooked rice and feed them. If they eat it all and no diarrea or puke, maybe its ok, but i would stick with real cat food