Can Cats Eat Macadamia Nuts. Almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pistachios and walnuts. Although nuts are considered safe to feed to your bird, veterinarian crystal shropshire cautions that, just as with any food or drink, moderation is essential, especially considering your feathered friend's size.

Macadamia nuts are toxic to dogs, so you definitely don’t want them in the house if you have both cats and dogs. Most nuts remain as a bad choice for dogs, and some are very toxic. Like raisins and grapes, which are also toxic to dogs, individual sensitivity to macadamia nuts may vary, as does the number of nuts needed to cause a toxic.
However, there's no data regarding whether or not macadamia nuts are dangerous to cats.
If your dog eats macadamia nuts, he or she may become weak or unable to walk, lethargic, vomit, or experience tremors. Nuts in general have lots of fat. No, cats can’t eat all types of nuts. It’s only the 3rd worst for antioxidant content.