Can Cats Eat Coconut Water. This is great news for cats who don’t seem to drink enough water, and it can tempt them to eat their dry food if you mix it in too. Most coconut water products come in prepackaged wrapping.

Thanks to the laxative properties, olive oil can smooth cats’ digestive system. Things to avoid feeding your cat. We should think once before giving coconut water to the dog, can dogs drink coconut water or not.
Can all forms of it be eaten.
Coconut juice is not as dangerous to a cat as coconut milk is, but it cannot be considered healthy by any means. So if you are the adventurous kind and are considering giving it to your pet straight from the coconut, know this can be a bit risky. The first is coconut juice, which is similar to water and is obtained by breaking a coconut. If your dog suffers dehydration or bad bout of diarrhea, you can offer him/her some coconut water.