Can Cats Eat Black Olives. Green olives are picked from the tree sooner than black olives, but there is no difference in the nutritional content between the two and are perfectly safe to feed to dogs. Plus, olives aren’t something cats would typically eat if they were out in the wild.

So, if your cat is in good health, it’s safe to give them a few olives. And, they have more oil and less salt than the green olives. The pleasurable effect on the receptors accounts for many cats' love of both catnip and certain types of olives.
So do not try canned black olives, instead, give him organic olives.
It is also revealed that some variety of black olives contain less sodium content than green olives. Natural olives, that contain no artificial preservatives, should be fine for cats to eat. Can cats eat black olives? The pleasurable effect on the receptors accounts for many cats' love of both catnip and certain types of olives.