Can Cats Eat Basil Pesto. If your rabbit is prone to urinary sludge or kidney stones, then you may just want to offer a timetable of basil rather than a full serving since this herb is fairly high in calcium. Perhaps the best thing about a dog eating basil are the positive mood altering effects.

Basil can be served in different ways. Basil is commonly used for stomach problems such as spasms, loss of appetite. So, cooked basil is safe for cats.
I gave them only a little to taste and they jumped right on it like they haven't eaten in days.
Cats can eat leaves, but the best way is to cook or crush these leaves to feed them to your cat. Yes, guinea pigs can eat basil! You can just use more leaves to compensate for the lost oils with most dishes, but pesto is virtually ruined with anything but unwashed leaves, getting that unmistakable. Additionally, those fresh basil leaves and garlic are full of millions of bacteria that get treated to a feast when you blend/grind it into paste.