Buprenorphine For Cats How Long Does It Last. Instead, simply pick up at the next dose as normal. Combining both studies (450 cats), sedation was observed in 68 cats in the buprenorphine group and 62 cats in the placebo control group for up to 4 hours after anesthetic recovery.

While you can inject it into cats, you can also apply it through the gums, a much easier way to medicate a feline than pills or capsules. 9 however, in two large field studies, one dose of simbadol was found to be effective in controlling postoperative pain associated with surgical procedures in cats for 24 hours. The relief can last up to eight hours or longer, and the sedative effect of the drug helps cats to rest so they can heal.
For one, it blocks other pain relievers so should only be used if no others are necessary.
Buprenex is a popular medication because it has relatively few side effects. The stuff we get for prefilled syringes is buprenex. Side effects and risks of buprenorphine. Be sure to check with your veterinarian for any potential interactions with your cat's other medications.