Budgies As Pets Reddit. Post with 0 votes and 580 views. Your pet decision ought to be founded on what kind of creature suits your character, works best with your way of life, and matches your requirements.

I hope posts like these are allowed. They nest and lay their eggs in tree holes. Pets are as sensitive as infants and when it comes to the little feathery family members, they need constant care and attention.
Cats are naturally predators while birds are naturally prey so this can cause issues if these two kinds of pets need to live together.
The interesting point about budgies is actually that they are actually social birds. Cats are naturally predators while birds are naturally prey so this can cause issues if these two kinds of pets need to live together. This is a little different from socializing other pets because it involves actually talking to your bird. Budgies are very chatty and will pick up human voices, blanchette says, learning words and phrases if you take your time training them.