Brown Burmese Cat Names. The solid, dark sable brown burmese is in a league of its own, but the now popular dilute divisions include the chocolate, blue, lilac, red, cream and the brown, chocolate, blue and lilac torties. One night, the cleaner left the door open.

There is surely a name on the list that will fit everyone’s tastes. Are you looking for unique cat names? Unique female cat names & unique male cat names and unisex names for.
If you go to a cat show with 6 or more chocolate adult female cats all of good type you will find that the breeders are constantly looking at cage numbers before attending to a cat.
The two cats bred, producing four kittens born in 1981; 150 beautiful burmese cat names. I hope this helps you find the perfect name for your cat! Now they come in different colors.